Exercise Classes
A description of each of the sessions can be found below. While these sports sessions are not mandatory, we would like every student to attend at least one if they can.
Gymnastics balance class (Tuesday 10-11am)
This class will focus on handstands and other gymnastics balances (eg headstands, levers) which can be learnt safely at home.
This class is suitable for all abilities so it absolutely doesn’t matter if you’ve never tried gymnastics or handstands before.
Give it a go if you’ve always been interested in gymnastics/yoga/calisthenics, and you will become strong and flexible while having fun learning new skills.
Class structure:
- warm-up (pulse raiser and stretch)
- handstands
- other gymnastics balances
- strength work and cool-down
Minimum space/equipment requirements: a wall that’s clear of any obstructions from floor level to the height of your feet if you were to hold a handstand against it. Or, soft but sturdy furniture that come up to shoulder height if you were to hold a handstand against it (eg bed/sofa).
Recommended attire: comfortable clothing which doesn’t restrict movement, but isn’t too loose so as to obstruct your vision when upside down. Bare feet or socks.
Quick strength and flexibility (Wednesday 4:00-4:30pm)
This class will focus on strength and flexibility and requires little time commitment.
For strength work we will do varied body-weight strength circuits that target all muscle groups.
For flexibility we will do a head to toe stretch which may also include some gymnastics skills such as the splits.
This is a great combination as being warm from strength work boosts flexibility, and stretching after working on strength helps alleviate sore muscles.
Suitable for all abilities.
Class structure:
- light pulse raiser, gentle
- stretch
- strength work
- stretching/cool-down
Minimum space/equipment requirements: enough space to lie down on the floor. May need some padding if on wooden floor.
Recommended attire: comfortable clothing. Bare feet/socks/shoes.