2020 A Level Results and University Destinations

Results day has certainly been unique this year, and despite the strange circumstances, students at Westminster Tutors have achieved some excellent A level results. We are very proud that 68% of all our A level grades are A*-A and 92% are A*-B. Furthermore, our average A level retake improvement is an incredible 2.4 grades.
Our university destinations also continue to be strong, as 70% of our students have confirmed places at Russell Group universities and 74% at their first choice. Of our university destinations some highlights include:
Class structure:
- History at Cambridge
- History of Art at UCL and Psychology at UCL
- Dentistry at Nottingham and Pharmacy at Manchester
- Degree Apprenticeship in Computer Science with Price Waterhouse Coopers at Manchester
- Economics at UCL, Nottingham, Bristol and Southampton
Many congratulations to all our staff and students for their hard work and commitment during this challenging time and best wishes for the future!