A Level Results Day 2019: what happens with my exam results?
![Students celebrate their A-Level results Students celebrate their A-Level results](https://www.westminstertutors.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/blog-what-happens-with-a-level-results-2019.jpg)
What will my A level results look like
Each exam board (AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC) produces separate statements of results. Your results will be presented slightly differently, depending on whether you have taken old or new specification A levels.
With old specification subjects, a breakdown of the marks for each unit will be given as well as an overall grade for the A level. The unit marks are converted from your raw mark to UMS (Uniform Mark Scale) scores, which are added together in order to calculate your overall grade. Please see below for the UMS grade.
Most old specification A level qualifications have a maximum UMS of 400:
320/400 = A
280/400 = B
240/400 = C
200/400 = D
160/400 = E
Old specification Maths A levels have a maximum UMS of 600:
480/600 = A
420/600 = B
360/600 = C
300/600 = D
240/600 = E
An A* grade is awarded if you have achieved an overall A grade for the A level and at least 90% UMS across your A2 units.
For the majority of new specification subjects, your statement of entry will only display an overall grade. However, it is possible to find out the marks you achieved in each paper by asking our Exams Officer, who can provide these to you. New specification A levels no longer use UMS scores, so your grade is calculated from your raw marks and the grade boundaries are different every year. On results day each exam board will publish grade boundaries for all subjects on their websites.
When and how do the universities get my A level results?
One week before the official A level results date, your results will be transferred electronically from the exam boards to your firm and insurance universities. This enables the universities to make admissions decisions about borderline cases. Universities do look back at students’ admissions files, so if there have been mitigating circumstances that might have affected your A level results, it is important you get the letter on file before A level results day. There is little point appealing or making excuses by the time results are announced, as universities will have already made their decision on whether to accept or reject students who have narrowly missed grades.
Another thing to be aware of is that if there is an error on your UCAS application (for example the wrong exam board for a subject is listed or the exam centre number is incorrect) the results will not transfer. Universities are unable to make an admissions decision if they do not receive your results, so if a decision is still pending on results day you need to contact the university in order to find out why. If they are still waiting for one or more A level results, you should ask your school exams officer to send these over to the university.
What if I am unhappy with my A level results?
If you believe that your exam paper has been marked incorrectly or if you have narrowly missed a grade, you can make use of the post-results services offered by the exam boards. You are able to request a copy of one or all of your papers to decide whether you want to request a review of the marking. It is important to note that if you go ahead with a re-mark of your paper, the new mark will apply, regardless of whether it goes up, down or stays the same. A priority review of marking service should be chosen if you have a university place resting on a particular grade.
If you want to request any post-results service, please contact our Exams Officer by the following deadlines:
Priority review of marking – 22 August 2019
Priority copy of marked paper – 22 August 2019
Non-priority review of marking – 19 September 2019
Non-priority copy of marked paper – 26 September 2019
In the event that you are still unhappy with your result following a review of marking, then you have an opportunity to appeal. This will need to be discussed with the Exams Officer and Principal, who have the responsibility of submitting the appeal on your behalf.
When will I receive my A level certificates?
Your statements of results will display your provisional results, but the final, confirmed results will be printed on your A level certificates. Certificates normally arrive at the college by November, after all enquiries about results have been completed.
You will be informed when your certificates have arrived and ready to be collected from the college. It is very important that you keep your certificates safe as you may require them for further education and future employment, and if you lose them, the exam boards will charge for replacements.
Can I retake my A levels?
We hope that everyone gets the results they want, but if not, don’t panic. Westminster Tutors has a superb track record helping A level retake students improve on their grades. Our A level resit students not only achieve exceptional results, they also go on to the best universities in the country.
Our maximum capacity is 45 students and we take enrolments on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, so hurry now if you would like to register with us.
Contact us today on 020 7584 1288 to arrange a tour and receive personal advice on what we can do for you.