Finding the best private sixth form college in London for you

London. One of the biggest and best cities in the world. Internationally renowned as a major player for work and opportunity, but also as being home to some of the best private sixth form colleges. So if a move to one of these private London colleges is on the cards, how will they be able to help you?
Private sixth form colleges in London are a common enough establishment. A quick Google search will throw up pages of results, offering students a veritable feast of education. And with dozens of sixth form colleges in London and around the suburbs, the choice can be overwhelming.
There’s no doubt that each one offers you the ability to get the A-Level grades you need to take your next career step. But whether you need the best tuition for A-levels, further help with GCSEs, or even private tuition to overcome the thorny issue of A-level retakes, a private sixth form college can help you overcome your challenges and be your best.
Changing College After Your GCSEs
Leaving school with a raft of excellent GCSE grades under your belt is a pretty awesome feeling. It’s a quantifiable measure of all your efforts over the last 5 years. Not only that, it allows you serious pause for thought about what your next step will be, and gives you a platform to help you go further, both in education and in life.
But what if it didn’t all go quite exactly to plan? What if you were expecting greatness and your GCSE results are just ‘OK’, or maybe even ‘terrible’ in your opinion? Panic can set in and all you’ll see is the fear of missing out on that coveted Uni place, and all your career hopes and dreams sinking like a stone.
Of course, it doesn’t need to be quite that dramatic. Whatever you’re feeling when you discover your grades aren’t what you expected, don’t lose hope in what you want to achieve. Things are never quite as bad as they seem, so if you discover some grade 3s and 4s in your results, next to your 7s, 8s and 9s, it really isn’t the end of the world.
Conversely, your GCSE grades could be swimming with 7s, 8s and 9s all the way through and you might have done a lot better than you’d imagined. So what then? Well, firstly don’t get lulled into a false sense of security. GCSEs are one thing, but A-levels are a different beast; harder to learn and harder to pass, so don’t get complacent.
And what if you’re at the next stage? Your GCSE grades were great, giving you a mental boost before your next A-level step, but your A-level results were pretty limp to say the least. What then? Well, fortunately, there’s a solution to all three of those little scenarios. And with the help of a private sixth form college, you can turn things around.
A Private College That Works For You
Even if your GCSE grades were pretty great, enrolling for A-levels in sixth form at your current school might not be your best plan. If your grades were way better than you expected, why not reward yourself the privilege of taking yourself out of your comfort zone?
Sounds weird – why should you take yourself out of your comfort zone when you’re doing so well inside it? Because taking yourself out of a school environment into a private college or sixth form environment will help you achieve so much more. And if your GCSE grades were pretty rubbish, or your A-level results stank, school, or the teachers and their methods, obviously didn’t agree with you. So again, leaving that environment behind and going to a dedicated college or sixth form will be far more beneficial.
Your educational journey is all about pushing yourself and bettering yourself. Making that decision to leave school behind can be a massive physical and psychological step into the real world. A world where you’re no longer a school kid and you’re free to make your own decisions and better equipped to deal with the consequences.
A private college in London is an ideal way to learn new techniques, new subjects and new ways of learning. Better placed to help you, with more dedicated tutors and less students, a private college will give you the opportunity to be better all round.
Whether you need extra help with GCSEs, a helping hand to pass your A-levels successfully, or dedicated private tuition for a couple of A-level retakes, the best sixth form colleges in London will get you there.
One of the Leading Sixth Forms in London
One of London’s leading private colleges is Westminster Tutors. Located in the heart of London, in South Kensington, this Ofsted-rated ‘Outstanding’ college is leading the way in terms of management, quality and academic achievement.
Recently celebrating its 80th anniversary, Westminster Tutors is a co-educational independent tutorial college with a rich history of educating students from the age of 14 to 19. Westminster Tutors main aim is to maximise each students achievement by giving expert tuition within a warm and tolerant community.
And by keeping student intake deliberately low, tutors are able to dedicate more time to individual students. All GCSE and A-level courses group sizes are restricted to four, with most groups consisting of just two – and they have the facilities and expertise to give all students the confidence they need to take their A levels, start an A level retake course, or improve their GCSE grades.
So, if you’ve found yourself in any of the three scenarios of; not-so-great GCSE results, needing extra help with A-levels, or retaking your A-levels, then the specialist tuition of Westminster Tutors private college in London will get you the results you need.
For more information on all three of these areas and more, why not see what Westminster Tutors can offer to help you? Visit our admissions page to find out more and get in touch by visiting our admissions page or call us on 020 7584 1288 where one of our staff will be happy to discuss your requirements.