“One of the best sixth forms in London”
Mathematics – A Level & AS Level Tuition
Mathematics is a very popular subject at Westminster Tutors with a high success rate. Mathematicians seek out patterns to formulate new conjectures, the truth or falsity of which they resolve by mathematical proof. Both pure mathematics, that is mathematics for its own sake, and applied mathematics, such as statistics and mechanics, are taught, and students are able to choose the topics that suit and interest them. Mathematics is crucial in numerous fields, such as natural science, engineering, medicine, finance and the social sciences.
Course outline
AS Level Mathematics
Paper 1: Pure Mathematics
- Proof
- Algebra and functions
- Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane
- Sequences and series
- Trigonometry
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Vectors
Paper 2: Statistics and Mechanics
- Statistical sampling
- Data presentation and interpretation
- Probability
- Statistical distributions
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Quantities and units in mechanics
- Kinematics
- Forces and Newton’s laws
A Level Mathematics
Pure Mathematics
- Proof
- Algebra and functions
- Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane
- Sequences and series
- Trigonometry
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Numerical methods
- Vectors
Statistics and Mechanics
- Statistical sampling
- Data presentation and interpretation
- Probability
- Statistical distributions
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Quantities and units in mechanics
- Kinematics
- Forces and Newton’s laws
- Moments
AS Level Further Mathematics
Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics
- Proof
- Complex numbers
- Matrices
- Further algebra and functions
- Further calculus
- Further vectors
Paper 2: Further Mathematics Options
Further Pure Mathematics 1
- Further trigonometry
- Coordinate systems
- Further vectors
- Numerical methods
- Inequalities
Further Pure Mathematics 2
- Groups
- Further matrix algebra
- Further complex numbers
- Number theory
- Further sequences and series
Further Statistics 1
- Discrete probability distributions
- Poisson & binomial distributions
- Chi squared tests
Further Statistics 2
- Linear regression
- Continuous probability distributions
- Correlation
Further Mechanics 1
- Momentum and impulse
- Work, energy and power
- Elastic collisions in one dimension
Further Mechanics 2
- Motion in a circle
- Centres of mass of plane figures
- Further kinematics
Decision Mathematics 1
- Algorithms and graph theory
- Algorithms on graphs
- Algorithms on graphs II
- Critical path analysis
- Linear programming
Decision Mathematics 2
- Allocation (assignment) problems
- Flows in networks
- Game theory
- Recurrence relations
A Level Further Mathematics
Core Pure Mathematics
- Proof
- Complex numbers
- Matrices
- Further algebra and functions
- Further calculus
- Further vectors
- Polar coordinates
- Hyperbolic functions
- Differential equations
Further Mathematics Options
Further Pure Mathematics 1
- Further trigonometry
- Further calculus
- Further differential equations
- Coordinate systems
- Further vectors
- Further numerical methods
- Inequalities
Further Pure Mathematics 2
- Groups
- Further calculus
- Further matrix algebra
- Further complex numbers
- Number theory
- Further sequences and series
Further Statistics 1
- Discrete probability distributions
- Poisson & binomial distributions
- Geometric and negative binomial distributions
- Hypothesis testing
- Central Limit Theorem
- Chi Squared Tests
- Probability generating functions
- Quality of tests
Further Statistics 2
- Linear regression
- Continuous probability distributions
- Correlation
- Combination of random variables
- Estimation, confidence intervals and tests using a normal distribution
- Other Hypothesis Tests and confidence intervals
- Confidence intervals and tests using the t – distribution
Further Mechanics 1
- Momentum and impulse
- Work, energy and power
- Elastic strings and springs and elastic energy
- Elastic collisions in one dimension
- Elastic collisions in two dimensions
Further Mechanics 2
- Motion in a circle
- Centres of mass of plane figures
- Further centres of mass
- Further dynamics
- Further kinematics
Decision Mathematics 1
- Algorithms and graph theory
- Algorithms on graphs
- Algorithms on graphs II
- Critical path analysis
- Linear programming
Decision Mathematics 2
- Transportation problems
- Allocation (assignment) problems
- Flows in networks
- Dynamic programming
- Game theory
- Recurrence relations
- Decision analysis
AS Level Mathematics
Paper 1
- 100 marks
- 2 hours written paper
- 62.5% of total AS level
Paper 2
- 60 marks
- 1 hour 15 minutes written paper
- 37.5% of total AS level
A Level Mathematics
Paper 1
- Assessment of any topics from the Pure Mathematics content
- 100 marks
- 2 hours written paper
- 33.3% of total A level
Paper 2
- Assessment of any topics from the Pure Mathematics content
- 100 marks
- 2 hours written paper
- 33.3% of total A level
Paper 3
- Assessment of topics from the Statistics and Mechanics content
- 100 marks
- 2 hours written paper
- 33.3% of total A level
AS Level Further Mathematics
Paper 1
- 80 marks
- 1 hour 40 minutes written paper
- 50% of total AS level
Paper 2
- Assessment of content from two of the options
- 80 marks
- 1 hour 40 minutes written paper
- 50% of total AS level
A Level Further Mathematics
Paper 1
- Assessment of any topics from the Core Pure Mathematics content
- 75 marks
- 1 hour 30 minutes written paper
- 25% of total A level
Paper 2
- Assessment of any topics from the Core Pure Mathematics content
- 75 marks
- 1 hour 30 minutes written paper
- 25% of total A level
Paper 3
- Assessment of content from one of the Further Mathematics options
- 75 marks
- 1 hour 30 minutes written paper
- 25% of total A level
Paper 4
- Assessment of content from one of the Further Mathematics options
- 75 marks
- 1 hour 30 minutes written paper
- 25% of total A level
BSc (Imperial), MA (King’s), MPhil (King’s)
Anthony Korte
MA (Oxford), MSc (UCL), PhD (Imperial)
Bruno Alexandre
BSc (Minho), MSc (Minho), MSc (Imperial)
Stella Aris
BA (Cambridge), BSc (Open), PGCE (St Mary’s)